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Guitar Chord Master, Book 1: Audio Companion Course
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Bonus Video Lessons
Lesson 2: How to Read a Fretboard Diagram
Rhythm Exercises
Lesson 3: G Major & E Minor
Rhythm Exercises
Practice Exercises for G and Em
Lesson 4: D7 Chord
Rhythm Exercises
Practicing D7
Lesson 5: C Major & A Minor
Rhythm Exercises
Practicing C and Am
Review: Using Common Chord Progressions
Song Example: Sunrise
Lesson 6: D Major and A7
Rhythm Exercises
Practice Exercises
Lesson 7: Eighth Note Strumming
Steps 1, 2, and 3
The Repeat Sign
Practice Strumming with Repeat Signs
Spring Time
Lesson 8: A Major & E7
Rhythm Exercises
Practicing A Major and E7 Exercises
Rainy Day (Song)
Lesson 9: E Major & B7
Rhythm Exercises
Practicing E Major and B7
Review: G, Em, C, Am, D, A7, A, E7, E, & B7
Lesson 10: D Minor
Rhythm Exercises
Practicing Dm
Riding Home (Song)
Lesson 11: G7
Rhythm Exercises
Practicing G7
Friday Night (Song)
Diamond (Song)
Lesson 12: Introducing Barre Chords
Practicing F Major
Lesson 13: 3/4 Time
Try It
Practicing in 3/4 Time
House of the Rising Sun (Song)
Lesson 14: Bb Major & C7
Try It (page 66)
Practicing Bb, C7, and F
Berry's Blues (Song)
Lesson 15: Introducing Minor Barre Chords
Practicing Fm and Gm in 4/4 Time
Practicing Fm and Gm in 3/4 Time
Lesson 16: B Minor & C Minor
Practicing Bm & Cm
Lesson 17: Ties & Rests
Try It page 77
Practicing Ties & Rests
The Playground (Song)
Lesson 18: F# Minor
Practicing F# Minor
Lesson 19: Introducing Suspended Chords
Practicing Asus4 and Dsus4
Lesson 20: Esus4 &Fsus4
Practicing Esus4 and Fsus4
Summer (song)
Standard 32 (song)
Willows and Pillows (song)
Most Triumphant (song)
Final Thoughts
Next Steps
Practicing Dm
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